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Account Not in This Store, your account is not valid for use in the U.S. store.


Account Not in This Store, your account is not valid for use in the U.S. store. You must switch to Chinese stores before purchasing

Account Not in This Store, your account is not valid for use in the U.S. store. You must switch to Chinese stores before purchasing

在app store登录美区ID下载收费app应用软件是提示

Account Not in This Store, your account is not valid for use in the U.S. store. You must switch to Chinese stores before purchasing

首先要确定,你的ID是不是美区ID,也就是有木有完全切换到美区商店,一般切换到美区商店后,语言会变成英文,也可以搜索 shadowrocket ,看看能搜到不,能搜到才是切换成功了,在试一下能不能下载免费应用。



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